Level: 0
Posts: 8
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2012, 08:09:55 pm » |
Do I really need to go over this ****? The **** happened to Loyalty?
Main Character name: Asheras. I'll be leveling a Windwalker monk eventually but seeing as how that **** position has already been filled, I guess it's not happening because I'm not doing it with some other ranked raid group.
Class: Warrior
Preferred spec in order of interest: Fury, Prot
Availability (Days and hours by server time (PST)): Wednesdays like we used to, Sundays like we used to, Saturday (if it comes to that)
Are you interested in heroic raiding? Y/N? If we get to it, I guess.
Are you interested in 25 man raiding? Y/N? We'll never get around to it.