Level: 0
Posts: 1
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2012, 10:43:56 am » |
Main Character name: Villinous
Class: Deathknight
Preferred spec in order of interest: Blood, Unholy/Frost
Availability: Days and hours by server time (PST). About 5:30 till about 10 or 10:30 server
Alternate raiding characters names, classes, and preferred specs: Not sure which alt to lvl up next, maybe my priest
Are you interested in heroic raiding? Y/N?: Sure
Are you interested in 25 man raiding? Y/N?: Sure
Disclaimer: You may not get the prefered class/spec you want to play. We will give it our best to organize raid comps so that everyone plays what they want.
Disclaimer #2: Every raider is required to have a headset and have mumble installed. Mumble info can be found in the ginfo