Level: 1
Posts: 31
« on: November 04, 2011, 03:08:57 am » |
We gained a lot of new members which wish to raid this week, and have around 13 consistently showing up for raids. I made next weeks raid a 25 man; we will PuG additional DPS if need be to fill up the roster. This does mean there will be some changes over our standard raid night.
If you are a tank... There are still only 2 tank slots in 25 man. You may be asked to go DPS so be prepared for this.
If you are a healer... There are ~5 healers in 25 man, usually two dedicated tank healers and three raid healers. You may also be asked to go DPS so be prepared for this.
If you are a DPS... The fights are different in 25 Man so we may wipe a few times learning the differences.