Level: 0
Posts: 18
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2012, 02:09:55 pm » |
Main's Name: Twlitesprkle
Class: Mage
Pref Spec: Arcane
Available: 12pm to 7:30 / 8pm PST any day, Friday and Saturday are more open
Alt: Pwrfultrixie (Warlock)
Heroic?: Sure
25mans?: Yes
Level: 0
Posts: 33
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2012, 06:46:35 pm » |
Mains: Bromar / Siegmeyer
Class: Paladin / Monk
Preferred spec: Tanking, for either class.
Schedule will be finalized when my work schedule is released.
Nothing alternate.
Although it's a little silly, I'd hope Loyalty members would get paired up again.
Level: 0
Posts: 8
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2012, 08:09:55 pm » |
Do I really need to go over this ****? The **** happened to Loyalty?
Main Character name: Asheras. I'll be leveling a Windwalker monk eventually but seeing as how that **** position has already been filled, I guess it's not happening because I'm not doing it with some other ranked raid group.
Class: Warrior
Preferred spec in order of interest: Fury, Prot
Availability (Days and hours by server time (PST)): Wednesdays like we used to, Sundays like we used to, Saturday (if it comes to that)
Are you interested in heroic raiding? Y/N? If we get to it, I guess.
Are you interested in 25 man raiding? Y/N? We'll never get around to it.
Level: 0
Posts: 1
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2012, 10:43:56 am » |
Main Character name: Villinous
Class: Deathknight
Preferred spec in order of interest: Blood, Unholy/Frost
Availability: Days and hours by server time (PST). About 5:30 till about 10 or 10:30 server
Alternate raiding characters names, classes, and preferred specs: Not sure which alt to lvl up next, maybe my priest
Are you interested in heroic raiding? Y/N?: Sure
Are you interested in 25 man raiding? Y/N?: Sure
Disclaimer: You may not get the prefered class/spec you want to play. We will give it our best to organize raid comps so that everyone plays what they want.
Disclaimer #2: Every raider is required to have a headset and have mumble installed. Mumble info can be found in the ginfo
Level: 1
Posts: 32
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2012, 04:24:43 pm » |
Thanks to everyone for signing up! I finally set up groups that will hopefully work for everyone. My goal was to divide talent as best as I could. There is no A team or B team. Both groups should have a fairly equal shot at being successful as far as talent and comp is concerned. Thanks everyone for being flexible. No one has to change classes and everyone gets to play main or off-spec. There's a little redundancy between the two groups (Pallys, druids, hunters) so there is a little bit of flexibility for shuffling if need be. I would say these groups are 90% set in stone.
Please note that I organized by days available and then looked at exact time. You can discuss with your group to adjust the start/end time if you wish but everyone said they were available more or less at the stated times.
So without further ado:
Group 1: Monday and Friday 5:30PM-9PM Server Bromar, Pally tank Corejo, Warrior tank Alphryd, Monk healer Luna: Priest healer Defahn: Druid Boomkin/healer Pokeypierce: Monk DPS Quillnsofa: Mage DPS Villinous: DK DPS Braeburn: Hunter DPS Carnath: Hunter DPS
Group 2: Saturday and Sunday 5PM-8PM Lucentgem: Druid Tank Soarin: Paladin Tank Lupicula: Druid healer Asylina: Shaman Healer Kamaryu: Pally DPS Adamaster: Shaman Ele/Resto Silkshadow: Warlock DPS Twilitesprkle: Mage DPS Littlepip: Hunter DPS Caedea: Druid Feral DPS
Each group has 2 tanks, 2 melee dps, 2.5 healers, and 3.5 ranged dps.
Adam and Defahn, you two are the lynchpins of the group as you are needed to either heal or DPS. It may be that you only need two healers or you may find that three are needed. I advise you to take every advantage open to you to get the gear you need, be it profession, rep, dungeon, ect. As for tier tokens, that's up to your group how that will be handled.
Pip, your group is lacking the 10% attack speed buff that your pet can provide. Brae/Carnath, your group is lacking spell damage taken.
I wish everyone the best of luck. Let's see you kick some butt. For the guild, for each other, for Equestria!
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 04:53:11 pm by Pokeypierce »
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Pokeypierce the rogue
Level: 0
Posts: 1
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2012, 07:10:31 am » |
Please make a post on this thread with the following information:
Main Character name: Whooves
Class: Death Knight
Preferred spec in order of interest: Blood, Unholy, Frost
Availability: Saturday and Sunday and possibly durring the week.
Are you interested in heroic raiding? Not really.
Are you interested in 25 man raiding? Yeeeeeup.
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2012, 08:06:48 am » |
Main Character name: Stárswirl (ALT+160 on PC, Option+e then a for MAC) Class: Mage Preferred spec in order of interest: Arcane Availability: Monday-Thursday at 5-9(PST); 8-12(EST). I'm on the east coast.  Alternate raiding characters names, classes, and preferred specs: None Are you interested in heroic raiding? Yes Are you interested in 25 man raiding? Yes
Level: 0
Posts: 1
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2012, 09:18:30 am » |
(I didn't like that forum handle. If a Mod could please delete the post above that would be much appreciated) Main Character name: Stárswirl (ALT+160 on PC, Option+e then a for MAC) Class: Mage Preferred spec in order of interest: Arcane Availability: Monday-Thursday at 5-9(PST); 8-12(EST). I'm on the east coast.  Alternate raiding characters names, classes, and preferred specs: None Are you interested in heroic raiding? Yes Are you interested in 25 man raiding? Yes
Level: 0
Posts: 2
« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2012, 11:25:27 pm » |
Main on alliance : Wolverdruid (May be changing to the name of Bøømchicken) Main on horde : Ganki (With alt codes on the a and i) Wolverdruids main spec : Balance Ganki's main spec : Beast Mastery Availability: Sunday - Saturday (3:20PM - 10PM from Monday - Friday) (12:00AM - 12:00AM from Friday night - Sunday morning) West Coast Alternate raiding characters : (Alt codes on the E and A) Ðream Arcane Mage and Unhøly Ret paladin Am i interested in Normal and Raid finder Raids? Yes, Heroics i do not like, too many mechanics and its too difficult. Am i able to do 10 - 25 man raiding? Yes, but sometimes i don't like 25 man because too many people, too many people not paying attention, and so on  . I may not be good at my class, but i can improve! and with the right gear, and knowledge i can succeed! 
Level: 2
Posts: 4
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2012, 05:53:02 am » |
I'm not 100% Why this hasn't been updated yet but, as of 11/03/2012, Luna & Bromar who will be tanking on his Monk, have been swapped with Asylina and Soarin from Kindness. I was told everything wasn't finalized but, it seemed the only thing that wasn't, was me. This is what I was told, and I'm passing it along not only as a reminder but a future reference. <3
I'll herp your derp. ^.~
Level: 1
Posts: 32
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2012, 10:17:48 pm » |
Please be aware that raids are not a set in stone thing. Members of both groups should be aware that you might be asked to swap if need be. Your schedules will be considered when such a request is made. This swap may be temporary or permanent.
Yes Kelda, those changes are being made and some more are going to be made in the future. Please bear with us folks. This is a complicated process and we have to play it by ear. I will be updating soon™.
Pokeypierce the rogue
Level: 0
Posts: 4
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2013, 01:02:42 am » |
Mane Character name: Koavu Class: Druid Preferred spec in order of interest: Guardian, Resto, Feral, Balance Availability: Mon-Thurs 6PM-10PM, Fri 6PM-Any time, Sat Anytime-Any time, Sun Any time-10PM Are you interested in heroic raiding? Yes Are you interested in 25 stallion raiding? Maybe
P.S. Due to me being in the military, my times/days are subject to change at a moments notice.