Hey everypony.
Here is all the additional information for tonight's events.
Transmog Costume Contest.
Location Duskwood Twilight Grove.
Event time 6:00PM server time
Show off your spookiest and coolest armor set, with any additional effects you can provide yourself or hire out
2nd place 5000g
1st place 5000g, a pony shirt from
www.welovefine.com and a drawing of your character in costume as done by our very own Lupicula.
Spooky Pet Battle Tournament.
Location Duskwood Twilight Grove.
Event time After Costume contest, probably about 6:30ish server time
Spooky Pet Battle Tournament will have two brackets both a level 5 and a level 10 bracket, the rules will be the same govenering each.
Team of three pets with one additional pet as a sideboard to be swapped out between battles at your discretion
All pets must be at the level cap for the bracket or lower.
All pets must be "spooky" I recognize spooky is up to personal interpretation, but if you can make a case for it, it's probably fine, I reserve the right to final arbitration in this matter.
Matches will be double elimination.
1st place (level 5 bracket) 5000g
1st place (level 10 bracket) 5000g and a pony shirt from